Hannah is my other babe. She has been my best friend since birth, I couldn't ask for a more lovely sister (:
Taylor Reed - Bridesmaid
Taylor is a friend from SFU. A fellow biology major, we had lots of shared suffering/studying. She is such a gift to have as a lifelong friend!
Kaitlyn Long - Bridesmaid
Kait is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. Also an SFU friend, we bonded being the only girls at ultimate frisbee club games. Kait's frisbee skills are off the charts.
Teresa Sweeney - Bridesmaid
Teresa is a dear friend from SFU. We bonded instantly over our shared faith. She is an uplifting and encouraging presence in my life, even through mostly phone calls!
Mandi Decker - Bridesmaid
Mandi is my wonderful sister in law! Mother to the 3 cutest nephews a girl could ever as for.
Cassie Foradori - Bridesmaid
Cassie is my soon to be sister in law! She is super awesome, and will one day be my partner in our pediatric practice ;)
Anthony Zocco - Best Man
Zoc is my best man. We have been friends since way back in 3rd grade. This is the most recent photo of the two of us I could find, but I promise we've had some good times together since graduating high school.
Julian Metro - Groomsman
Julian and I met in college at Saint Vincent, and were roommates our senior year. I'm blessed to call him and his wife Lauren two of my closest friends. Dr. Metro is a really smart fella, and is a huge Punxsutawney Phil fan.
Joel Trentin - Groomsman
Joel was my first friend at Saint Vincent. He is an amazing guy and a great friend. I actually set him up with his girlfriend Samantha our freshmen year, and have also trained him to be one of the best Wii golfers in Pennsylvania. Mary Kate and I love him very much.
Mike Martino - Groomsman
Mike is the funniest guy I know. I'll always cherish our late night drives spent spotting deer and talking about life, and our trips out to the airport for wing night. He is a force to be reckoned with in the gym, and I can't wait to hit leg day with him real soon.
Mason Lindenmuth - Groomsman
Mason has been one of my best friends for many years. I didn't take a single class without him in high school, and we definitely should've won Best Friends in our senior yearbook. We famously carried the Brockway Boys Tennis Team to District IX glory together in 2016.
Joey Heath - Groomsman
Joey and I met freshmen year at Saint Vincent and have been great friends ever since. I have him to thank for passing all my biology classes in college. I'm grateful for all the music recommendations we've shared over the years and he will always be the first guy I call when there's a good concert in town.